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Fan Speed Control using TV Remote Handset

A highly effective infrared based TV remote controlled fan dimmer circuit could be constructed employing some IC s and triacs, the following content describes the specifics.

The circuit outlined on this page gets rid of the PWM concept for the fan dimming control, alternatively makes use of handful of low power triacs for sequentially executing the dimming or racing impact on the linked fan motor.

The finalized layout for the projected remote controlled fan dimmer circuit could be noticed below:


Parts List

R1, R3 = 100 ohms,
R2 = 100K,
R4 = 4K7,
R5 = 10K,
C2 = 47uF/25V
C1, C4= 22uF/25V,
C6 = 4.7uF/25V,
C3 = 0.1, CERAMIC
C5 = 100uF/50V
C10 = 0.22uF/400V
T1 = BC557
IRS = TSOP IR sensor
IC1 = 4017 IC
D1 = 1N4007
D2 = 12V 1watt zener
R9 = 15K
R10 = 330K
R4---R8 = 50K, 100K. 150K, 220K
R11 = 33K
R12 = 100 ohms
Diac = DB-3
TR1 = BT136
L1 = 500 turns of 28SWG over any iron bolt.
C7 = 0.1uF/600V

Note: the 4 SCRs are improperly symbolized as SCR BT169, all these needs to be swapped with triacs, for example BCR1AM-8P triacs, or some other equivalent triac will in addition do.

Looking at the diagram above we are able to observe two the circuit set up across several unique stages.

The right side of the diagram is designed like a typical light dimmer or fan dimmer circuit, apart from one modification, and this can be spotted close to its typical pot area, in which has been swapped over by four triacs possessing four individual resistor at their MT2, organized with an incrementing respects.

The left side stage consisting of the IC 4017 is wired as a 4 step sequential logic generator, caused by an Infrared sensor unit which develops the IR receiver for accepting the switching activates from a hand held IR remote control unit.

The flipping remote IR beams from TV IR remote transmitter brings about the IRS to produce a toggling pulse at pin#14 of the IC 4017, which inturn transforms the pulse into a sequentially jumping logic high pulse across its pin#3 to pin#10 then it's reset back to pin#3 by means of pin#1/15 relationship.

The above pinouts that are in charge of making a sequentially moving logic high pulse are serially linked with the gates A, B, C, D of the marked triacs.

Because the resistors associated with the anodes of the triacs turn out to be the deciding parts for the fan speed control, means that by sequentially shifting the triacs to and fro, the speed of the fan could be amplified or dropped equally, in 4 discrete measures, subject to the values of R4----R8.

For that reason while the remote handset button is pushed, the IC 4017 pinouts activate the matching triac which then hooks up its anode resistor with the dimmer triac/diac arrangement, carrying out the pertinent level of fan speed.

In the suggested TV remote controlled fan dimmer circuit, 4 triacs are proven for generating a 4-step speed control, but 10 such triacs could possibly be integrated with all the 10 pinouts of the IC 4017 for gaining a fantastic 10 step discretely regulated fan speed control.

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