Basically in this article we will understand the nitty-gritty of how to get a triac to do its thing, plus we’ll chat about the right way to hook up all […]
Make these Simple Colpitts Oscillator Circuits
Here we’ are going to build one of those popular LC-based oscillators, the Colpitts oscillator. What’s Oscillators? Electronic oscillators are all over the place, showing up in most of the […]
Build this Hartley Oscillator Circuit
The Hartley oscillator is basically a frequency generator circuit where the oscillation frequency kind of hangs on what’s happening in a tuned circuit. That circuit involves capacitors and inductors, so […]
How to Make Pierce Oscillator Circuits
This article teaches us methods to use a single CMOS gate to construct basic oscillator circuits, such as the Hartley and Pierce oscillators. Despite using the fewest possible components, these […]
How to Make a 220V, 25 Amp Heater Controller Circuit
Here, I will explain how to construct a 220V operated basic heater controller circuit at a current rate of 25 amps employing a standard triac-based dimmer switch circuit in this post. […]
Heater Control Circuit with RFI Elimination and Snubber Network
This circuit is essentially a straightforward heater or light dimmer controller and it comes packed with components that help suppress radio frequency interference (RFI) and includes a snubber network. Let […]