An automatic battery bank charger circuit with an automatic overcharge cut-off function for use with an electric vehicle is described in the post. Mr. Sergey asked for the suggestion. Circuit Parameters […]
Automatic Solar Battery Charger and Water Heater Circuit
A straightforward technique for using extra solar energy from a solar panel to heat water in swimming pools, water tanks, or chicken egg chambers is described by the following solar […]
How to Correctly Calculate Solar Panel, Inverter, Battery Charger
The following page demonstrates, using calculations, how to properly pick and connect the solar panel, inverter, and charger controller combinations to achieve the best results from the configuration. Understanding Solar […]
Timer Controlled Mobile Phone Charger Circuit
The following article presents a basic circuit for a charger for mobile phones with a timer that can be used to charge a particular mobile phone for a predefined amount […]
Automatic Lead Acid Battery Charger Circuit Using IC 555
This circuit provides a practical, automated method of charging different lead-acid batteries, ranging in size from 1Ah to 1000Ah! The 555 Timer IC is at the heart of the circuit. […]
12V 100 Ah Lead Acid Battery Charger Circuit
This blog article describes a circuit that Mr. Raj constructed for a 12V, 100Ah battery charger. The article looks into the operation of the circuit and considers its possible use […]