An interesting yet simple waveform generator is the “white noise” generator circuit. When summed over a unit of time, this is a waveform that encompasses a whole range of randomly […]
12 Best Oscillator Circuits Explained
The high input impedance and high gain of the FET encourage ease and efficiency in multiple transistorized oscillator circuits. often, the FET can be utilised directly in transistor circuits and […]
Wien Bridge Oscillator with Single-Gang Pot
The Wien bridge oscillator circuit generates a low-distortion sine wave of steady amplitude that ranges from 15 Hz to 150 kHz. It needs just four op-amps and can be powered […]
Simple Voltage Controlled Oscillator Circuit
The circuit as shown in Figure below presents a 555 as an extremely simple, voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO). The VCO’s output frequency (U1) differs contrariwise with the input voltage. Using a […]
How to Make a Wien-Bridge oscillator Circuit (Sinewave Oscillator)
A Wien bridge oscillator is an electronic oscillator design to create sinusoidal waves. The circuit is able to manufacture a comprehensive range of frequencies. The wien bridge oscillator is actually […]
LC Oscillator Circuits using Transistors and Op Amp
LC transistor Astable multivibrators or more fondly known as oscillators are one of the most commonly used electronic components when building a circuit. An oscillator is generally sustainable on its […]