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How to Make a Solar Fence Charger Circuit

A Fence charger or energizer is a system which is often used for charging(electrifying) a fence or a boundary to be able to safeguard the inside premise from human or animal interventions. Considering that these types of limitations are mainly of huge fields and parks, are usually removed from the major cities, and running them by means of a few alternative choice turns into be far better than from utility grids which can turn out to be tough to obtain in such type of isolated areas.

The circuit of a solar electric fence charger described right here is not going to rely on standard power source for functioning, somewhat gets it 24/7 from a self continuous solar power change set up.

The circuit is very easy to figure out.

The fence charger circuit is actually a switching circuit which includes a couple of diodes and a high voltage capacitor.

The diodes can be used for correcting the AC from a small step up transformer so that it gets kept inside the high voltage capacitor.

When this voltage gets to a specific guideline, the SCR fires and releases the whole stored voltage inside the capacitor.

The above releasing of the capacitor is conducted or else thrown out inside the primary section of an automobile ignition coil.

The unexpected dumping of the above high voltage inside the ignition coils primary, steps up the rise into a number of a large number of volts into the secondary winding of the ignition coil.

This stepped up voltage is utilized for activating the fences or the limitations accordingly.

In spite of this the above procedures needs an AC input at the levels of around 100 to 220volts.

This voltage is produced by surely processing the input DC from a solar panel set up.

The voltage from the solar panel is first managed to an appropriate level and then it's useful for running a initiating circuit.

The activating circuit contains a IC 555 oscillator which switches the voltage received from the solar panel controller into the transformers input, so that the output from the transformer produces the needed 220V AC for powering the ignition circuit.

The solar panel output also charges a small 12V/7AH battery so that the power can be utilized after dusk, when sun energy is inaccessible.


The above circuit can be operated by way of the following solar panel current controlled battery charger circuit:



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