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How to Make a Water Softener Circuit Explained

The article examines a circuit design that are available for softening hard water and for descaling it into soft water.
Water accessible by means of natural resources may consist of a lot of dissolved minerals such as sodium, magnesium, calcium etc. and are referred to as hard water.

On account of the existence associated with these minerals specifically calcium, hard water cause problems and turn out to be unfriendly for our home use, our everyday domestic usages for example washings clothes, bathing, etc.

This kind of waters require to be transformed from hard to soft by utilizing specific forced external techniques.

There are various techniques that have been discovered to be effective to create hard water into soft water, like by the way of distillation, by applying reverse osmosis, by utilizing other chemicals which include caustic soda, sodium etc.
There is certainly a different passive technique for getting the same outcomes, that's by utilizing a magnetic field around the passage of the hard water by means of a pipe. Strong permanent magnets might be connected across the length of the pipe and hopefully good results could possibly be achieved for the same.

The magnetic field impacts the free flow of the dissolved calcium crystals and forces it to cling and stick with other crystals in the vicinity and form larger crystals which ultimately stay the inner walls of the pipe as a result of the existence of the strong magnetic field.

The outcome being a cleaner water free from calcium and a lot friendlier for our everyday use in our bathrooms.

In spite of this in accordance with a lot of researchers, instead of using passive magnets if the magnetic field is oscillated generates a greater effects on the Calcium crystals creating the crystallization technique to trigger faster and at an much economical rate.

The following circuit set up which includes a parallel path magnetization principle may be successfully utilized as a water softener when executed according to the demonstrated directions:


In the above water softener circuit we are able to understand a small tank or metallic container utilized as an advanced water storage area by which the hard water is permitted to pass.

This container consists of a ferromagnetic material for example iron.

This iron container is related to a unique electromagnetic arrangement comprise of a U shaped iron device set up with a few long lasting magnets and number of wound inductors as demonstrated in the image above.
This electromagnetic device relies upon parallel path concept for taking out a re-designed significance of magnetic field from handful of current input and in an oscillating manner.


The precise detail of the electromagnet might be observed in the above image, and the whole process studies in this post

The coils or the demonstrated inductors are associated with an alternating frequency generator circuit which can be executed employing any appropriate oscillator design such a IC 555 or an transistor AMV circuit.
The inductor winding data is not essential, any thin super enameled wire might utilized, around 500 turns on each side will be enough.

The tank being a ferromagnetic material receives totally magnetized producing a strong effects on the water content.
The calcium content which can be in the hard water get considerably affected and commence attaching among themselves.

The process permits the unnecessary calcium to clog on the tank walls along with the soft clean water is permitted to go through outlet across the other end of the container.

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