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How to Modify a Bluetooth Headset Device for Personalized Applications

In the earlier put up we discovered concerning the internal circuitry of a typical Bluetooth headset, in this submit we will observe just how the gadget may be altered or "hacked" to be able to ensure it is function for other personalized applications.
In the prior post we figured out to break open a Bluetooth headset device and also investigated the numerous parts bound up within.
Even though the majority of the phases inside the headset seem to be too advanced to digest, the two elements which can be still quite standard are: the speaker and the mic, and those are precisely what we have been enthusiastic about for applying the suggested hacking methods, since these two ports essentially turn out to be the input and the output terminals of the device.
To be accurate it's the speaker outputs which is a lot more helpful, which might be thought to be creating analogue audio frequencies in a push-pull format. This analogue signal could be very easily translated and transformed into a logical signal for working a toggling device such as a relay.
Down this page number of pictures you can easily observe the speaker wires which can be just simply cut and striped at the ends for using the dealt with analogue frequencies for the essential alterations.


As soon as the above procedures are created, it's only about establishing the wires with a bridge network accompanied by an opto coupler stage, as demonstrated below:


The bridge network transforms the differential output reply from the Bluetooth speaker outputs into a full wave DC, which can be even more filtered by the 100uF capacitor to generate a clean DC across the opto input.
The DC is changed into a obvious content across the collector/ground of the opto transistor. This output could very well be set up with any regular flip flop circuit for toggling any preferred load.
The above toggling could possibly be begun by triggering the Bluetooth headset with a data from a cell phone or any equivalent appropriate device. Each and every time the speaker replies, the information gets translated into the above mentioned toggling effect over a attached relay.
A flip flop circuit may be seen in the following figure which might be incorporated with the above opto output for accumulating the meant relay operations.

Parts List
R3 = 10K,
R4, R5 = 2M2,
R6, R7 = 39K,
R4, R5 = 0.22, DISC,
C6 = 100µF/25V,
D4, D5 = 1N4148,
T1 = BC 547,
IC = 4093,
The above technique describes a simple way of hacking a Bluetooth headset for remotely working a specific appliance, within the next submit (yet to be posted) we are going to discover ways to hack a Bluetooth Headset as a wireless home theater system.

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