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Walking Distance Counter Circuit

This circuit measures the walking distance during a walk.

Equipment is situated in a little box slipped in pants' pocket and the presentation is considered in the accompanying way: the furthest left show D2 (the most noteworthy digit) demonstrates 0 to 9 Km.

Furthermore, its dab is dependably on to isolated Km. from hm. The furthest right show D1 (the slightest critical digit) shows hundreds meters and its spot lights after every 50 meters of strolling.

A beeper (excludable), flags each check unit, which happens each two stages. A typical step is ascertained to compass approx. 78 centimeters, consequently the LED flagging 50 meters lights after 64 stages or 32 mercury switch's operations, the showcase demonstrates 100 meters after 128 stages et cetera.

How the Circuit Works

For low battery utilization the showcase lights just on solicitation, pushing P2. Accidental reset of the counters is kept away from in light of the fact that to reset the circuit both pushbuttons must be worked together.

Clearly this is not an accuracy meter, but rather its close estimation's degree was discovered useful for this sort of gadget. Regardless, the most discriminating thing to do is placement and slanting level of the mercury switch inside the case.

Circuit operation: IC1A & IC1B structure a monostable multivibrator giving some level of flexibility from unreasonable skipping of the mercury switch.

Thusly a clean square pulse enters IC2 that partition by 64. Q2 lights the dab of D1 each 32 pulses numberd by IC2. IC3 & IC4 separate by 10 each and drive the showcases. P1 resets the counters and P2 empowers the showcases.

IC1C produces a sound recurrence square wave that is enabled for a short time at each monostable check. Q1 drives the piezo sounder and SW2 let you debilitate the beep. Notes:

Explore different avenues regarding placement and slanting level of mercury switch inside the container: this is extremely discriminating.

Attempt to acquire a pulse each two strolling steps. Listening to the beeper is to a great degree helpful at this present setting's stage.

Trim R6 quality to change beeper sound power.

Push P1 and P2 to reset.

This circuit is fundamentally proposed for strolling purposes. For running, further extraordinary consideration must be utilized with mercury switch placement to stay away from undesired checks.

Current utilization with showcase disabled is irrelevant, consequently SW3 can be excluded

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