In this post we provide a list of most commonly and popularly used bipolar transistors or BJTs by the many hobbyists and professionals.
Here is a list of commonly used BJTs that are available today:
2N3904 - a general-purpose NPN transistor that is commonly used in switching and amplification circuits.
2N3906 - a general-purpose PNP transistor that is commonly used in switching and amplification circuits.
BC547 - a general-purpose NPN transistor that is commonly used in low-power amplifiers, signal processing circuits, and switching applications.
BC557 - a general-purpose PNP transistor that is commonly used in low-power amplifiers, signal processing circuits, and switching applications.
BC548 - a general-purpose NPN transistor that is commonly used in low-level amplification and switching circuits.
BC558 - a general-purpose PNP transistor that is commonly used in low-level amplification and switching circuits.
TIP120 - a Darlington transistor commonly used in high-power switching applications.
TIP121 - a Darlington transistor commonly used in high-power switching applications.
TIP122 - a Darlington transistor commonly used in high-power switching applications.
2N2222 - a general-purpose NPN transistor commonly used in low-power switching and amplification circuits.
MJL21193 - a high-power NPN transistor with a maximum collector current of 16A and a maximum voltage of 250V, commonly used in audio amplifiers and power supplies.
MJL21194 - a high-power PNP transistor with a maximum collector current of 16A and a maximum voltage of 250V, commonly used in audio amplifiers and power supplies.
2N3055 - a high-power NPN transistor with a maximum collector current of 15A and a maximum voltage of 60V, commonly used in power supplies and audio amplifiers.
MJE13005 - a high-voltage NPN transistor with a maximum collector current of 4A and a maximum voltage of 400V, commonly used in high-voltage switching applications.
BD139 - a low-power NPN transistor with a maximum collector current of 1.5A and a maximum voltage of 80V, commonly used in low-power amplification and switching applications.
BD140 - a low-power PNP transistor with a maximum collector current of 1.5A and a maximum voltage of 80V, commonly used in low-power amplification and switching applications.
S9014 - a low-power NPN transistor with a maximum collector current of 100mA and a maximum voltage of 50V, commonly used in low-power amplification and switching applications.
S9018 - a low-power NPN transistor with a maximum collector current of 150mA and a maximum voltage of 30V, commonly used in low-power amplification and switching applications.
BC639 - a low-power NPN transistor with a maximum collector current of 1A and a maximum voltage of 80V, commonly used in low-power amplification and switching applications.
BC640 - a low-power PNP transistor with a maximum collector current of 1A and a maximum voltage of 80V, commonly used in low-power amplification and switching applications.
BC817 - a low-power NPN transistor with a maximum collector current of 0.5A and a maximum voltage of 45V, commonly used in low-power amplification and switching applications.
BC846 - a low-power NPN transistor with a maximum collector current of 0.1A and a maximum voltage of 65V, commonly used in low-power amplification and switching applications.
BD139 - a low-power NPN transistor with a maximum collector current of 1.5A and a maximum voltage of 80V, commonly used in low-power amplification and switching applications.
BD140 - a low-power PNP transistor with a maximum collector current of 1.5A and a maximum voltage of 80V, commonly used in low-power amplification and switching applications.
BC107 - a low-power NPN transistor with a maximum collector current of 0.2A and a maximum voltage of 45V, commonly used in low-power amplification and switching applications.
BC177 - a low-power PNP transistor with a maximum collector current of 0.1A and a maximum voltage of 50V, commonly used in low-power amplification and switching applications.
TIP31C - a general-purpose NPN transistor with a maximum collector current of 3A and a maximum voltage of 100V, commonly used in audio amplifiers and power supplies.
TIP32C - a general-purpose PNP transistor with a maximum collector current of 3A and a maximum voltage of 100V, commonly used in audio amplifiers and power supplies.
MMBT3904 - a general-purpose NPN transistor with a maximum collector current of 0.2A and a maximum voltage of 40V, commonly used in low-power amplification and switching applications.
MMBT3906 - a general-purpose PNP transistor with a maximum collector current of 0.2A and a maximum voltage of 40V, commonly used in low-power amplification and switching applications.
In conclusion, BJTs, or bipolar junction transistors, are widely used electronic components that come in many different models and specifications.
They are available from various manufacturers and are used in a wide variety of electronic circuits, from low-power amplification and switching applications to high-power power electronics applications.
However, due to the constantly changing market and the vast number of different models available, it is not possible to provide a complete list of all BJTs currently being manufactured.
Nevertheless, the most commonly used BJTs tend to be general-purpose models with relatively low power ratings, which are widely applicable in a variety of electronic circuits.