In this post we learn how to make a simple dog barking sound generator, which will simulate an exact dog bark sound through an electronic circuit.
The music synthesizer was the inspiration for ideas while making the circuit to simulate a dog barking sound.
The S2 push button is pressed to raise the frequency of the VCO or voltage-controlled oscillator A1-A2 from 0 Hz to a value between 100-1000 Hz, which can be preset, in the span of about 1/8 of a second.
How the Circuit Works
A5-A6 is a band-pass filter with its center frequency at the highest frequency of the VCO, through which the signal from the VCO is passed. T1, a voltage-controlled amplifier or VCA, suppresses the sound due to the single pulse from the VCO when S2 is open.
A monostable relaxation oscillator is formed by the gates N1 and N2. On closing S2, the capacitor C2 is charged by the short pulse that formed at the output of N2. R3 causes the shape of the pulse to take the form as shown in Figure 1.

You can also infer from the figure that the output frequency of the VCO is determined by this pulse. The highest frequency is set by the potentiometer P1 - a low value emulates a deep bark while a higher value produces a yelp-like sound.
How to Setup the Dog Bark Sound
Like C2, C4 also helps to mold the shape of the pulse to the VCA. The transistor acts as an electronic potentiometer in that it functions as a voltage-controlled resistor.
The function of the P2 adjusting potentiometer is to affect the manner of decay of the tone after the release of the switch.
If the sound is cut off too fast or draws on too long, it would not sound authentic enough.
Tinkering with the circuit values will even allow you to create different kinds of barks. P3 is used to fix the center frequency of the band-pass filter A5-A6, which too will require some experimentation to get correct.
You can connect this dog barking sound simulator circuit output to a power amplifier and use it as an alarm system to scare off burglars.
Full PCB Design
Also, you should know that you will not find a ready-made printed circuit board for the above explained dog bark sound simulator circuit.

Complete Parts List

Anand Kumar Mallik says
I want to get one full set( i.e. PCB and components). Kindly let me know the cost of the same.
admin says
Sorry, unfortunately the above project is not available ready made….
Anand Kumar Mallik says
will this circuit work well and give the actual sound of barking of german shepherd dog
if you asure me then help me with pcb and it’s components. kindly inform me the full cost.
waiting for your reply.
admin says
It will work and give the actual sound of dog barking, only if it is built correctly