It is usually challenging to create a power inverter circuit rated higher than 2000 VA, mostly due to the transformer size that becomes rather large, insurmountable, and challenging to properly construct.
Large current-transferring capacities are necessary for power inverters in the KVA range to carry out the necessary functions in accordance with the unit's intended specifications.
Since the transformer is the primary power pushing component of an example of this inverter, it needs a secondary winding that can handle high current should the battery voltage is low as well, like 12 or 24 volts.
The voltage must be increased to greater amounts for the purpose to maximize the transformer at reduced currents, which presents another challenge because higher voltage necessitates connecting batteries in series.
Any new electronic amateurs or any individual wishing to create a large inverter, maybe for managing the electrical system across the entire house, might get discouraged by the aforementioned issues.
This article discusses a novel way to simplify even the most complex inverter designs. It does this by creating a 2000 VA inverter circuit using smaller standalone transformers with separate drivers.
Circuit Description
Using the following principles, we're going to examine the circuit diagram and how it functions:
The basic concept is to split the electricity into several smaller transformers, each of which outputs may be connected to a separate socket to power the appropriate electrical appliances.
By using this technique, we may avoid the need for large, complex transformers, and even a novice in electronics can comprehend and build the suggested design.
In this configuration, four IC4049s were the components used. Six NOT gates or inverters make up a single 4049, therefore all 24 of them have been utilized in this instance.
A pair of gates are configured to produce the fundamentally needed square wave pulses, while the remaining gates serve just as buffers to drive the subsequent necessary stages.
A few gates and the corresponding high current Darlington transistors, that serve as the driving transistors, are used in each transformer. The related gates operate the transistors in unison by conducting alternately.
In response to the aforementioned high current signals, the mosfets that are linked to the driver transistors start delivering the battery voltage straight into the winding of the corresponding transformer.
As a result, an imposed high voltage AC starts moving via each transformer's complimentary output winding, producing the necessary AC at the corresponding outputs of 220 V or 120 V.
Since these voltages only become accessible in limited pockets, each transformer should only provide the appropriate amount of electricity.
The oscillator stage's square wave output is handled by the 555 section, which splits it up into segments and optimizes it to replicate a modified sine wave output.
To get distinct power output portions, every step following POINT X must be repeated, and the shared input of each step has to be connected to POINT X.
Since each transformer might have a 200 VA rating, 11 stages (after point X) would collectively provide outputs that are approximately up to 2000 VA.
Although it may seem like a little inconvenience to use many transformers rather of one, the following design makes it very easy to achieve the real need of generating 2000 VA using regular components and principles.

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