Every refrigerator has a compressor, generally a hermetically sealed unit with a motor. This unit is the heart of a refrigerator. As motor burn-out due to any reason can mean […]
Automatic Signalling Circuit for Model Trains
Automatic railway signals are meant for efficient movement of trains, without colliding. The track is divided into blocks or sections. At the entry of each section there is a signal. […]
Simple Mains Voltage Stabilizer Circuit
Manual transformers are good for jobs where the equipment is being attended to personally, such as while viewing a TV. Also an automatic transformer would be unacceptable for viewing a […]
Simple Light Activated Switch Circuit
The light activated switch circuit works on a very basic principle, that of amplification of the current produced by a photo-transistor when light impinges upon it. The current is amplified […]
Simplest Homemade Electric Guitar
Do you wish to convert your own Hawaian guitar into a simple electronic guitar ?Well here’s an excellent idea for you. It will cost you about $1 only. , You […]
Simplest Water Level Controller Circuit with Buzzer
This simple and inexpensive circuit sounds an alarm Ca whistle) when water level in a Container, such as an over- head water-tank, reaches a predetermined level. The basic circuit is […]