The electronic bagpipe circuit explained below will generate an exact replication of music that we generally hear from an original mouth operated bagpipe instrument. Circuit Description In the figure below, […]
Audio Signal Conditioner Circuit
This discussed audio signal conditioner circuit is great for sweeping weak and noisy audio or Morse-code signals. The circuit can also be utilized to clean up digital audio signals which […]
Very Low Frequency (VLF) Converter Circuit
The circuit explained below can be used for detecting and converting the very low radio frequencies or VLF in the atmosphere to audible sound. A huge number of general-coverage shortwave […]
7 watt to 10 watt Amplifier Circuit using IC LM383
This proposed 7 watt amplifier circuit is like an efficient audio booster. It is easy to construct and also works like a charm when amplifying audio signals or increasing the […]
Audio Squelch Circuit
In telecommunication devices, the squelch circuit is introduced in order to enable the suppression of the audio (or video) output of a receiver whenever a low or weak signal input is detected. This circuit attenuates the background noise that […]
How to Make a Simple Musical Greeting Card
It is fairly simple to construct a ‘singing’ melodious greeting card, as explained in the following article. You can replicate this greeting card design through matching chips which carry about […]