This electronic bongo circuit will simulate authentic bongo sound when two touch plates are tapped. Even though full scale synthesisers usually are hideously high-priced, it’s possible to inexpensively generate single […]
Simple Stereo Simulator Circuits
These simple circuits will allow the user to transform any single channel audio or a mono audio input signal into a synthetic or artificial stereo output which will sound like […]
Single IC High Power Siren Horn Circuit
You might have come across may great siren circuits from this website, however this siren circuit has its own advantages such as a high gain and high power output along […]
Short Wave Radio Circuit
A simple short wave radio with high sensitivity is narrated in this post and be built by any radio enthusiast. The consequences of regeneration of the regenerative TRF receivers are […]
Convert Whistle Sound to Electronic Music
The post below explains how to convert a whistling sound into an enhanced musical output through an electronic circuit. Music soothes our soul and make us feel good. We like […]
Mouth Operated Music Synthesizer Circuit
In this article we discuss a simple circuit which can used to synthesize music by blowing a MIC with breath power from mouth. The air pressure and vibration generated by […]