So you might be wondering what a water level indicator is. Well it is actually an electronic circuit that helps you see the different levels of water inside a tank. […]
How to Correctly Calculate Solar Panel, Inverter, Battery Charger
The following page demonstrates, using calculations, how to properly pick and connect the solar panel, inverter, and charger controller combinations to achieve the best results from the configuration. Understanding Solar […]
Timer Controlled Mobile Phone Charger Circuit
The following article presents a basic circuit for a charger for mobile phones with a timer that can be used to charge a particular mobile phone for a predefined amount […]
Very Cheap and Simple SMPS Circuit Using MJE13005
The circuit we are talking about in this article is probably one of the simplest and most cost-effective options out there. This is mainly because it uses a very small […]
1A Voltage Regulator better than 7805, 7812
You are going to be totally blown away by all the cool features that this fantastic voltage regulator integrated circuit or IC has to offer. As the name suggests this […]
Simple Short-Circuit Protection for Power Supplies
Here we are discussing a pretty affordable yet surprisingly effective way to protect our power supply circuits from short circuits. This is super useful for anyone who loves tinkering with […]