The straightforward circuit will probably illuminate up to two 20watt fluoroscent tubes from a 12v supply. The circuit also offers a brightness change to minimize the current through the battery […]
Simple Low Voltage Cut OFF Circuit
LOW VOLTAGE CUT-OUT This particular circuit will probably identify once the voltage of a 12v battery extends to a minimal level. This is certainly to counteract deep-discharge or possibly in […]
NiCd Battery Charger Circuit using Transistors
This NiCd battery charger can easily recharge up to 8 NiCd cells hooked up in succession. This quantity could be augmented in cases where the power source is raised by […]
Make this Simple Washing Machine System
This article explains how to build a basic washing machine on a budget using just one motor and a cam shaft mechanism. The Invention Because washing machines are expensive, some […]
Making a 10w, 12w LED Lamp with Fixture
The article describes the development of a homemade 10 watt LED lamp utilizing 10 to 12 numbers of 1 watt LEds. In lots of earlier articles I mentioned the utilization […]
Chasing LED Trouser Circuit
The article describes tips on how to change your normal trousers into a chasing LED lit trousers which generates an capturing LED light chasing impact as a reaction to your […]