The article explains a basic battery 4 step DC voltage monitor circuit utilizing the versatile IC LM324. The Design The suggested battery voltage status indicator circuit making use of 4 […]
Automatic Plant Irrigation Circuit
The article describes a good automatic plant irrigation system circuit that are available for quickly sensing soil humidity and initiating a water pump when the ground gets burning below a […]
Automotive Speed Limit Indicator Circuit
In our earlier content we certainly have found out widely concerning the ICs LM2907/LM2917 which can be simply frequency to voltage converter ICs, and are preferably relevant in all such […]
Simple Digital Voltmeter Circuit
The article points out a straightforward digital panel type voltmeter circuit utilizing a single IC L7107 and a couple of other normal parts. The circuit has the capacity to calculate […]
20 watt, 5 watt Fluorescent Lamp Inverter Circuit
The straightforward circuit will probably illuminate up to two 20watt fluoroscent tubes from a 12v supply. The circuit also offers a brightness change to minimize the current through the battery […]
Keyboard Beep Circuit
There are many situations where an audible indication for a button pressed would be very useful. Two particular cases are: a morse key, where it is otherwise impossible to know […]