The Wien bridge oscillator circuit generates a low-distortion sine wave of steady amplitude that ranges from 15 Hz to 150 kHz. It needs just four op-amps and can be powered […]
Simple Voltage Controlled Oscillator Circuit
The circuit as shown in Figure below presents a 555 as an extremely simple, voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO). The VCO’s output frequency (U1) differs contrariwise with the input voltage. Using a […]
How to Make a Wien-Bridge oscillator Circuit (Sinewave Oscillator)
A Wien bridge oscillator is an electronic oscillator design to create sinusoidal waves. The circuit is able to manufacture a comprehensive range of frequencies. The wien bridge oscillator is actually […]
LC Oscillator Circuits using Transistors and Op Amp
LC transistor Astable multivibrators or more fondly known as oscillators are one of the most commonly used electronic components when building a circuit. An oscillator is generally sustainable on its […]
Variable Tone Generator Circuit using Magnet
Wondering how to build a tone generator circuit whose frequency could be changed or adjusted simply by moving a magnet near its sensor coil? This article will explain exactly how […]
Single Transistor Sinewave Generator Circuit
Just a single transistor sinewave generator circuit can easily be employed to generate a simple phase shift oscillator. The output is a sinewave having a ‘lump’ within it, meaning that […]