Here's 2 pictures which shows how to transfer electricity without using wires, one is the fully completed second sec exciter is guess what despite the last 2 series coil sections mistakenly wound in anti clockwise direction unlike the first 2 coils in the series wound in clockwise direction this thing actually works in pulsating the hv ,dc,ac and rf output.
So i borrowed a flux core housing pipe from my other EC units and used it to test this one and as i pulled the core out its hv ac dc and RF output all in the one pulsate as the neon indicator between the output terminals seem to indicate that in fact it looks like its flickering to but the speed looks like elf or vlf frequency.
It appears to react more when i pull the core out more to and the other sec exciter well its neon is on constantly to show the hv ac, dc, and RF output all in the one. When the core is pulled out so far the neon then starts to react by blinking or pulsating so it can be controlled or made to do that by pulling the core out to a certain position, but the most interesting is the second sec exciter.
Its output neon blinking or pulsating all the time which appears to speed up when you pull the core out is something ill be experimenting with more often and it goes to show having 2 out of so many coil windings wound the wrong way appears to of enhanced its performance or other , one of the new sec exciters was already powered up when the picture was taken

Here's a new design i come up with using the same features as the hv ac, dc rf output circuit with the microwave oven capacitor in it.
This one does away with the microwave oven capacitor and uses a hv photo flash capacitor and the 10.0uf capacitor that was where the photo flash cap is now, has been moved so this would be easier to build and smaller which I am gonna try to do as I am running out of pcb to make printed circuit boards with but if anyone has trouble powering this they need to have a more powerful sec exciter like mine 9 volts dc at 500 milliamps

This new ten part circuit when powered from the rf output of the sec exciter series coil tower will put out hv dc, hv and ac and strong rf currents a photo flash capacitor was used in this design of mine. The 10.0 uf 100 volts larger brown capacitor was relocated. and the high output still lights a neon off either of the outputs so the rf currents may be stronger.
More facts regardingĀ Transmitting Electricity Without Wires
Type or paste your text here to convert casei've conducted a second test after re soldering one of my inductor legs which was loose. I used my frequency counter set to 10 mega hertz range and with the em flux concentrating core pipe with only a few cores in it and not filled up yet. And without borrowing my other full core pipe from my other sec exciters.
I then slid the core pipe out and the highest reading i got was 1 million and 597 thousand and 362 khz so it was past 1 megahertz.
Anyhow with just only 6 cores in the core pipe, and the rf output can be felt and yet the output sections neon was blinking slow as if pausing over a million hertz at a slow rate.
The frequencies went down and up pending where the six cores was in relation to the positions of the series coils , compared to the cores in the core pipe, the radio was making strange noises.
If you look at the speed the neon was blinking compared to the sound coming from the radio it wasn't synchronized, enough but the experiment was interesting and with the core pipe with only 6 cores in it pulled out to a position the neon would light up and remain constantly lit, till you pull the core out or slide it in more .
Also, a neon held by one leg and brought up to each of the series coils would light the neon up pending on the position of the core pipe. If you pull the core pipe out so far the neon would light up at a good distance away from the 2 thickest gauge power coils.
So the power is mainly at these 2 coils at the end of the sec exciter series coils also the neon lights up when brought up to the other coils to pending on the position of the core pipe to.
Therefore it seems the thicker 20 gauge coils at the end emit the most rf power. The tests need to be done again but using a full core pipe this time. And not just a pipe with 6 cores only.
At no time during the second test did the hv capacitor circuit put out hv so it seems to be just higher rf and low voltage dc only, with this prototype set up.
Pulling the core pipe with only 6 cores in it to various positions made the radio create different sounds like tuning through various frequencies.
One sounded a bit like a sound made on the old war of the worlds movie before the alien space craft, zapped out its death ray. Ive captured this on video to.
Also with the whole thing powered up and the radio interference from the emitted rf waves, i find the interference to the radio changes when i move close to the whole set up as if my body's e field is interacting with the energy from the coils.
So if i move back the neon blinks slowly with the core set in position but when i get close the radio interference gets louder and even more when i bring just my hand up to any of the coil sections.
Mainly the 2 power coils and if i tap one of the power coils the sound come over the radio like tapping on a microphone.
So i reckon this project may have some more bizarre mysteries to it and i think i t may have some more surprises to it like transmitting tone or voice over the rf waves from the coil or other.
From a distance or the power coil is acting almost like an em pickup. Of some unknown kind.

Pictures for Transmitting Electricity Without Wires

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