The post details comprehensively regarding how to build a pure sinewave inverter circuit using microcontroller circuit with PIC16F72
The following image shows the complete circuit diagram of the sinewave inverter, the images are divided into two in order to fit inside the page, please join them together after printing the two images.

The following image shows the built prototype which tested using a 1200 watt load successfully

The close up of the mother board of the proposed sinewave inverter using PIC16F72 can be witnessed in the following image

This picture shows the PCB track layout for the proposed inverter design.

Hex files and PIC code along with PCB designs of this pure sine wave inverter circuit using PIC16F72 can be downloaded from the above shown links,.........Hope this helps!!
BRaj says
Hello, I want the design of DSP based true sine wave circuit design and PCB layout with programming files , let me know if available with you.
admin says
Hi BRaj, sorry it is not available to me right now…
Sanjay says
can increase the output power of an inverter
admin says
yes, by increasing the transformer, MOSFET and battery power ratings
Sanjay says
Thank you for your reply
Muhammad Arshad says
Bro send link for pic 16 F 72
admin says
It is given in the article; you can download them.
swag says
yes please send it to me also…
Admin says
let me try it….
Aron says
This article is very helpful!
admin says
Thank you Aron, and Glad you found the post helpful!
Sagar says
Great post, thank you so much!
admin says
You are welcome!!
Olly says
Hi, I’ve constructed the above sine wave inverter but found out the following defects;
1. The frequency measures 50hz
2. The output voltage is upto 300v on no load.
3. When loaded with ordinary 60w bulb the voltage dropped drastically to around 150v and it affects the frequency too.
4. The charging of the battery is too slow and I guess it’s just charging with trickle charging.
Please I need help in the above defects. Thanks.
admin says
Thanks for updating your results, Appreciate it.
The voltage drop is due to inadequate transformer current, battery current. Please upgrade these two so that they become capable of handling 200 watts or as desired by you.
Hoang says
Hi Sir,
I am interested in your Pure sine wave ups. I would like to buy your source codes and schematic. My phone and whatssap: +84979352988
admin says
Hi Hoang, no need to buy, you can access it free of cost from the above article
Rk says
Hi admin can u provide me three phase inverter hex code please
admin says
Sorry don’t have it with at this moment of time…
Olly says
What are the changes to make aside the transformer winding. Thanks!
Olly says
Hi admin. Thanks for the good work. Please how do we modify the inverter to run on 24v battery supply.
admin says
Hi, use a 24V transformer and battery, and feed 12V from the 24V to the electronic oscillator circuits
Ganapathiponnaiah says
Dear admin Sir good morning, I am one of the service technician.i saw your ups circuit using pic16f72-1/sp.i like it very much.Now it wake up me to learn pic related projects.please can you able to send me the hex file and related program file for that PIC16F72-1/sp based sonewave home ups. Thak you and my email id is
admin says
Thank you Ganapathi, hex file is given in the download links
Muhammad Arshad says
good morning, I am one of the service technician.i saw your ups circuit using pic16f72-1/sp.i like it very much.Now it wake up me to learn pic related projects.please can you able to send me the hex file and related program file for that PIC16F72-1/sp based sonewave home ups. Thak you and my email id is
admin says
Hi Muhammad, the hex files are already provided under the article post, you can easily download them and open them in your computer!.
Babs says
Hello admin, pls can i use a pic ic from an old sukam 850 board?
admin says
yes that may be possible…but you may have to reprogramme it
Shedrack says
i love your circuit,i will to learn more. thankz
admin says
thank you very much!
michael says
learn of microcontroller programming code
Ebuka says
Hey admin i need a full code for the PIC and a corresponding circuit diagram.. Thanks in anticipation@
Arch-Emeritus says
free to contact me if you need the dsp version of the board both with display, code and full circuit diagram
Khan says
Hi there can you help me to make a complete , pure sine wave inverter
ashok kumar says
Hi there can you help me to make a complete , pure sine wave inverter
admin says
Hi, you can find the details here:
homemade-circuits . com/designing-a-sine-wave-inverter-circuit-from-the-scratch-tutorial/
Arch-Emeritus says
You can modified that same circuit to the one with four tlp250 if you have sound knowledge of electronics is pretty simple like abc obviously those circuit diagram above still need finishing touches to make it pretty ok. firstly you must understand the principles behind analog and digital electronics if u need more help feel free to comment here or mail me I will be ready to assist
Inayat says
Sir I want this circuit pcb
Hex file and all please send me
Mho says
The schematic shows a center tap transformer, but the circuit board shown obviously is not for a center tap drive, as I can see 4 TLP drivers. For some reason, I think the circuit does not tally with the board shown. Quite deceptive, if you ask me.
bankole30 says
admin u are really doing a great job here.i really want to help in dis forum to give solution to all kinds of electronics projects both analog and digital, microcontrollers nd many more. pls how do I become a high rank member in dis group such that my contribution will help dis forum
admin says
thanks bankole,
You can start posting and sharing your knowledge regarding the related topics in any of the article comment sections….myself and the readers will greatly appreciate your involvement.
Arch-Emeritus says
To know more about the board schematics nd everytin about the board I even program my own display for the board using pic16f877a, pic16f88 nd pic16f876a
Arch-Emeritus says is my Gmail
08164896300 is my number
sir r the all hex file should be burned in the micro controller one by one
and where i have to attach the lcd and what is the rating of the transformer
also sir there is a confusion that the hex files are of pic16f84a and the controller used is 16f72 will those files run…..
admin says
sorry I have no knowledge about this, because I got the data from some other source, and I am not good with MCUs
planedon says
pls sir i will like to have the pcb layout for this inverter circuit and the hex file, my email;, i hope will can reason via that medium
in anticipation.
Jude says
Please does this circuit charge the inverter
admin says
yes it does
bravo says
thanks for this useful information. please what programmer and software is the best for programming pic16f72. thank you all in anticipation.
admin says
there are many you will find on the net, all are good with features depending on the cost, you may have to check them online and choose the one which satisfies your needs perfectly.
bravo says
admin please which programmer and software do you use for programming pic16f72
Sir Kindly tell me which is correct files for this project
admin says
Ashok, I have provided whatever I had, now it is up to you decide which one is the right one and select accordingly
Dear sir, kindly send Microtek inverter eb860 hex code
admin says
Dear BB, sorry I do not have it at the moment
Abubakar Sani says
Hello sir.
Thanks for your files.
How many pins do the circuit provide if am using a 16*2 display?
Thank you.
admin says
Hello Abubakar, the material provided is not developed by me, therefore I have no idea about it…
elias says
ola eu montei o seu projeto do inversor senoidal o modelo que usa o pic16f72 e dois tlp250. o arquivo não funciona corretamente me ajuda. me envie o arquivo correto
Ghost Drive says
for dsp’s contact me “advanced Ghosts”
Able says
Advance Ghost, you didn’t post your email to enable me contact you.
Able says
ADMIN, Pls can you send me a DSP inverter circuit and code to Tnks
admin says
sorry able I do not have it at the moment
Abubakar Sani says
Thanks for sharing sir.
I can see that, there are about 5 files uploaded and i dont know which is the hex file for this 16f72 inverter circuit because there are many .rar files there.
Please help me clarify.
Thank you sir.
admin says
Hello Abubakar,I am sorry i too don’t remember which folder has the required details, you may have to download them all and find it yourself….sorry for the inconvinience
Prince says
Please sir I need your help for pcb of only the CPU side of pic16f72 inverter it’s urgent sir
admin says
sorry, that won’t be possible.
sheikh says
HI Sir please give me MPLAB build file for SN73_LCD sinewab UPS
MY Email ID
admin says
sorry, i don’t have it at the moment….
sheikh says
thanks sir for answer…
admin says
you are welcome
Haderson says
You haven’t provided the code in the pack for pic16f72. You wrote to buy programmed IC from you which is impossible. I don’t know why you did that. But all i know it is wrong you should at least tell this in the description you wrote. So, everyone will not waste his time.
admin says
I am sorry, i did not know about it…I got the data from another source and I did not know that the code was not included inside the files….if possible I’ll try to find it and update the links as soon as possible.
admin says
I have updated the new files….
Haderson Alvin says
Thank you so much dear Admin. I appreciate your efforts. May God bless you always.
admin says
It’s my pleasure!!
Abdulganiyu Ismail says
Hello admin am very grateful for your efforts toward the tutorial but I tried simulations this circuit with the coda, the LCD code included is not responding please what should I do
Eniola says
For hex file,pcb contact me at